Mango (leaves)

exemple Manguier

Nom latin :

Mangifera indica

Commun name :


Family :


Origin :

India, Pakistan, Burma

Part of the plant used :




The mango tree is a tropical tree, about 40 metres high, which originated in Asia and has been cultivated for about 4,000 years. It is intimately associated with a number of deities and has a special place in religious ceremonies in India.

Although the mango tree is best known for its tasty, fleshy fruit, its leaves are also used, particularly in traditional medicine. In India, they are used in infusions such as tea, as well as for their tonic properties, ideal against fatigue. 

Mango leaves contain minerals such as magnesium and potassium, as well as B vitamins and vitamin C. They also contain a specific class of polyphenols, the xanthones, of which the best known molecule is mangiferin. Polyphenols are known to limit the action of pro-oxidant molecules in various cells of the body, such as neurons for example. Studies have also shown their benefits in memory, learning and cognition.


Mango leaves contain mangiferin, a polyphenol studied by international brain research groups, among others.


The special features of THERASCIENCE 

The THERASCIENCE Laboratory has selected the patented mango leaf extract Zynamite®+, titrated in mangiferin present in soluble form, with proven effectiveness in improving intellectual performance.

The mangiferin present in Zynamite®+ has been the subject of numerous scientific studies which have notably highlighted its action on improving memory and concentration(1,2), increasing decision-making and reducing reaction time(1,2), as well as its anti-fatigue effect involved in reducing mental fatigue(1).


Scientific publications

The mango tree is the subject of more than 1,211 scientific publications.

The selection of our active ingredients is constantly guided by numerous scientific publications, based on randomised double-blind clinical studies versus placebo, in humans, guaranteeing a real scientific value. The doctors, pharmacists and engineers at THERASCIENCE Laboratory have selected some of these publications for you. 

Our products based on Mango

  1. €18.30
  2. €16.90
  3. €63.40
  4. €56.40
  5. €47.50
  6. €12.50
  7. €38.40
  8. Detoxssentiel
    Alcool (Alcohol)
    • 10
    • +
    • 30
    • +
    • 10
    Alcool (Alcohol) Show product
  9. €36.00
  10. €37.80
  11. Detoxssentiel
    Minceur (SLIM)
    • 10
    • +
    • 30
    • +
    • 10
    XS - MINCEUR Show product
  12. €22.00
  13. €34.00
  14. €27.90
  15. €11.40
  16. €34.90
  17. €11.20
  18. €15.40
    Out of stock
  19. €22.00
  20. €27.10
  21. €20.10
  22. €48.40
  23. €30.30
  24. €23.70
  25. €50.90
  26. €59.40
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  28. €31.90
  29. €21.30
  30. €16.30
  31. €14.10
  32. €29.80
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  36. €41.90
  37. €24.90
  38. €16.90
  39. €21.90
  40. €27.80
    Out of stock
  41. €70.90
  42. €41.60
  43. €26.90
  44. €42.50
  45. €30.90
  46. €16.30
  47. €25.20
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  64. €29.50
  65. €45.00
  66. €47.90
  67. €28.00
  68. €35.00
  69. €26.70
  70. €26.00
    Out of stock
  71. €26.10
  72. €41.50
  73. €62.00
  74. €130.90
  75. €130.90
  76. €38.90
  77. €60.90
  78. €35.10
  79. €64.00
  80. €25.40
  81. Physiomance
    • 100
    EPA Show product
  82. €43.20
  83. €52.80
  84. €21.90
  85. €20.60
  86. €28.10
  87. €30.90
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    Out of stock
  106. €25.20
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  109. €29.80
  110. €22.90
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  139. €38.00
    Out of stock
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  142. €30.50
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