Healthcare professionals : Join us !
Become a partner of the Therascience group and benefit from its international expertise
For 25 years, our commitment to scientific research, the development of innovative health product ranges, partnerships, and continuous medical education for healthcare professionals has made Therascience laboratory one of the leaders in physionutrition & fonctional Medicine in Europe, and constantly growing worldwide.
The strengths of the THERASCIENCE Group include:
Innovation, Expertise, Quality, Medical-scientific education, Formulation & Production Made in Europe.
Therascience laboratory relies on its values on a daily basis to offer healthcare professionals around the world excellent health solutions for 25 years.
Join us and become committed actors in this preventive approach to improving health, quality of life, and well-being while developing your activity.
Discover the benefits of joining the Healthcare Professionals of the THERASCIENCE Group :
1. Benefit form the expertise and support of the Laboratory expert in Physionutrition & Fonctional Medicine :
For innovative health solutions with scientifically validated effects :
Offer your patients innovative dietary supplements, in the most bioavailable forms, and with synergistic actions!
Each of our nutritional supplements is developed by a high-level, independent, and multidisciplinary scientific committee composed of nutrition experts, researchers, university professors, doctors, pharmacists, and food engineers, and developed by our integrated Research & Development.
2. Continuous medical education :
Our mission : Train our partner for success !
Through innovative initiatives, strategic partnerships, and medical-scientific educational programs, we give practitioners the means to train in the latest advances in nutrition, physionutrition, hormonutrition, and phytotherapy.
Become a Therascience Healthcare Professional to :
- Develop your medical-scientific knowledge through our on-demand online learning platform
- Acquire knowledge and understanding of the latest industry topics on nutrition, health, and personalized lifestyle medicine.
Our live and on-demand presentations help you stay up-to-date on some of today's opinion leaders and most important topics.
- The Therascience Laboratory's Continuous Medical Education includes :
- Multilingual face-to- face training sessions held during the day, evening or during 2 to 4 days seminars, throughout Europe and worldwide dispensées en journée, en soirée ou lors de séminaires de 2 à 4 jours, dans toute l'Europe et dans le monde entier ;
- Digitized continous medical education at your own pace
- E-learning to learn at your own pace with interactive content, videos and quizzes
- Webconferences to follow expert exchanges live or on demand
3. Personalized support for your daily practice with tools and advice to help you develop your market.
We offer diagnostic and support tools for your consultations. Tools created by doctors and expert professors in their field for healthcare professionals:
- Scientific computerized prescription support questionnaires ;
- Marketing and scientific support to accompany you in your daily activity(advice sheets, protocols, scientific watch, webinars and so on ..