Legal Notice
Who are we ?
Our website www.therascience.com is administered by THERASCIENCE LUXEMBOURG SARL, a company incorporated under Luxembourg law with a capital of €262,000, whose registered office is based at 38 Rue hiehl, - L-6131 Junglinster, registered with the LUXEMBOURG Trade and Companies Register under number B235082.
Capital : 262 000 €
Registered in the MONACO Trade and Companies Register under number B235082
Address :THERASCIENCE LUXEMBOURG SARL, 38 Rue hiehl, - L-6131 Junglinster
Telephone : +352 27 86 40 43
Email : luxembourg@therascience.com
The managing editor :Diane Merten
Intellectual Property :
- All the software creations present on our sites, the back-offices of administration, the proposed services are original creations and are the exclusive property of the company THERASCIENCE SAM.
- All the elements constituting the skeleton of the sites (photos, images, logos, flash® animations, model elements...) are also protected by copyright and are the exclusive property of their respective authors.
- The contents of the sites (texts, articles...) are the exclusive property of their authors and cannot be reproduced or exploited without their agreement.
In accordance with the provisions of article L. 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code, any reproduction, nesting, distribution of the above-mentioned elements is prohibited.
The present texts coming from external sources have been reproduced with the implicit or explicit agreement of their respective authors.
As such, mention is made on the sites of the sources and the respective authors.