Our mission
Contribute to your health and well-being by optimizing your micronutrient intake!
Our diet is supposed to provide us every day with a sufficient quantity of macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) to enable us to cover all our needs. However, although the availability of food in Western countries generally gives us the impression that we « lack nothing », our current diet is far from satisfactory in terms of nutritional balance.
Numerous surveys (1982: HEIDELBERG study; 1986: ESVITAF survey; 1991: VAL-DE-MARNE survey; 2003: SUVIMAX study; 2007: CCAF study; 2011-2012: ABENA; 2012: INRA, 2013: EPIPREF; 2014-2016: ESTEBAN; 2017 : INCA study 3) have shown that a large part of the European population does not receive the recommended nutritional intakes of vitamins (especially vitamin D and group B vitamins), minerals (especially calcium and magnesium), but also trace elements (zinc, copper and selenium).

We also consume too much sugar, bad fats (saturated fatty acids), to the detriment of good fats and fibres: 99% of British people are deficient in mono and polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (omega-3), which are essential for cerebral and cardiovascular functions.
These micronutritional deficits can lead to the appearance of a wide variety of symptoms: bleeding gums, memory or concentration problems, difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, sugar compulsion, chronic fatigue, joint pain, transit disorders, back pain...
These non-specific symptoms can in the long term become bothersome and make the bed of more severe pathologies: cardiovascular diseases, fatty diabetes, cancers, inflammatory diseases...
Faced with this reality, the THERASCIENCE Laboratory, supported by a network of 5,000 health professionals, has made it its mission to improve your health and well-being by optimizing your diet and micronutritional intake.