Privacy and Cookie Policy
Cookie Information :
A cookie is a small file that the website you visit saves on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone...) and in which it stores certain information. It mainly allows you to better prepare your welcome for the next visit to the site and to personalize the pages you view. Only the issuer of the cookie can read the information stored in it.
When you connect to our site, we may be led, subject to your choices resulting from the parameters of your software, to install various cookies in your terminal. These cookies enable us to facilitate your browsing on our website during the period of validity of the cookie concerned. The generic shelf life of a cookie is a maximum of 13 months.
These cookies allow us to :
To establish statistics and volumes of frequentation and use of the various elements composing our site (sections and contents visited, paths), in order to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services;
To adapt the presentation of our site to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your visits to our site;
To store information relating to a form that you have filled out on our site (registration or access to your account) or to products, services or information that you have chosen on our site (subscribed service, contents of an order basket, etc.);
Your choices regarding cookies :
Plusieurs possibilités vous sont offertes pour gérer les cookies. Tout paramétrage que vous pouvez entreprendre sera susceptible de modifier votre navigation sur Internet et vos conditions d'accès à certains services nécessitant l'utilisation de Cookies.
Vous pouvez faire le choix à tout moment d'exprimer et de modifier vos souhaits en matière de cookies, par les moyens décrits ci-dessous.
Les choix qui vous sont offerts par votre logiciel de navigation
You have several options for managing cookies. Any setting you may undertake will be likely to modify your Internet browsing and your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of Cookies.
You can choose at any time to express and modify your wishes regarding cookies, by the means described below.The choices offered to you by your browser software.
You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your device or, conversely, so that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their originator. You can also configure your browser software so that you are offered the option of accepting or rejecting cookies from time to time before a cookie is likely to be stored on your device.
If your browser is set to refuse all cookies, you will not be able to make purchases or take advantage of essential features of our site, such as storing items in your shopping cart or receiving personalized recommendations. We encourage you to set your browser to the best possible settings.
The configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will tell you how to change your cookie preferences.
Cookie agreement
The recording of a cookie in a terminal is essentially subject to the will of the Terminal user, which the latter can express and modify at any time and free of charge through the choices offered by his navigation software.
If you have accepted in your browser software the recording of cookies in your Terminal, the cookies embedded in the pages and content that you have consulted may be stored temporarily in a dedicated area of your terminal. They can only be read there by their transmitter.
Refusal of Cookies
If you refuse to save the cookies we issue in your terminal, or if you delete the cookies we have saved, you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functionalities that are nevertheless necessary to navigate in certain areas of our site. This would be the case if you tried to access our content or services that require you to identify yourself. This would also be the case if we could not recognize, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by your terminal, its language and display settings or the country from which your terminal appears to be connected to the Internet.
Where applicable, we decline all responsibility for the consequences related to the degraded functioning of our services resulting from our inability to record or consult the cookies necessary for their operation and which you have refused or deleted.
The configuration of each browser is different and is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to follow the appropriate procedure to modify your wishes regarding cookies.
For example :
For Internet Explorer™ : http://windows.microsoft.com/fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies
For Safari™: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=Safari/3.0/fr/9277.html
For Chrome™: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=fr&hlrm=en&answer=95647
For Firefox™: http://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/Activer%20et%20d%C3%A9sactiver%20les%20cookies
For Opera™: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.20/fr/cookies.html
Social networks :
We use computer applications from third parties, which allow the Internet user to share content from our site with other people or to let these other people know their opinion about content on our site. This is notably the case of the « Share » and « Like » buttons from social networks such as « Facebook », « Google+ », « Twitter », etc.
When the customer consults a page of the site containing such a button, his browser establishes a direct connection with the servers of the social network.
If the customer is connected to the social network while browsing, the application buttons link the pages consulted to his user account.
If he interacts with the plug-ins, for example by clicking on the « Like » button or by leaving a comment, the corresponding information will be transmitted to the social network and published on his account.
If the customer does not want the social network to link the information collected through our site to his or her user account, the customer must log out of the social network before visiting our site.
We invite you to consult the privacy protection policies of these social networks in order to be aware of the purposes of use, including advertising, of the browsing information they may collect through these application buttons.
The analysis of the links contained in our newsletters allows us to send personalized information to the recipients.enus sur nos newsletters nous permet d’envoyer des informations personnalisées aux destinataires.