Small-flowered fireweed

Latin name :
Epilobium parviflorum Schreb.
Common Name :
Small-flowered fireweed
Family :
Origin :
Part of the plant used :
Aerial parts
Fireweed, Epilobium parviflorum, also known as St. Anthony's laurel, is a herbaceous plant with violet flowers.
Its aerial parts used in phytotherapy contain more than 18 kinds of flavonoids (derivatives of quercetol, myricetol and kaempferol) with antioxidant properties, as well as tannins (derivatives of gallic acid and oenothein B), provitamin A and vitamin C.
This plant has many beneficial effects on health. These anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and analgesic effects are linked to the action of the flavonoids and tannins contained in fireweed.
It is the high tannin content that justifies the use of fireweed in cases of transit disorders, diarrhoea and gastro-enteritis.
In addition, this plant is used for benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), naturally after prior diagnosis by a doctor to rule out any suspicion of a serious cancer-type disease. Studies have shown that the extract of Epilobium parviflorum leads to a decrease in the level of androgens, accompanied by a decrease in oxidative stress and inflammation. Moreover, this plant also has antiproliferative properties by blocking enzymes (5 alpha-reductase and aromatase) involved in the pathogenesis of benign prostatic hypertrophy, thanks to oenothein B.
The benefits
Fireweed is useful for the normal functioning of the prostate and contributes to the proper functioning of the urinary tract.
It has an antioxidant and anti-ageing effect. Moreover, this plant favours digestive comfort by slowing down the transit.
Scientific publications
Small-flowered fireweed is the object of more than 17 scientific publications.
Our products based on Small-flowered fireweed