
Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in plants. This molecule plays a key role in photosynthesis, the biochemical process that allows plants to create their own organic energy from light energy from the sun.
Within the molecular structure of chlorophyll, the central atom is a magnesium atom, which is why it is called magnesium chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll has many health benefits. Indeed, this pigment acts as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and allows heavy metals to be trapped.
In addition, chlorophyll promotes the production of red and white blood cells. It contributes to the maintenance of a good intestinal transit while regulating the fermentation by Candida albicans, thus reducing the bloating caused by the production of gas.
The benefits
Chlorophyll is a pigment derived from plants that helps maintain a healthy intestinal flora.
The particularities of THERASCIENCE Laboratory
The THERASCIENCE Laboratory uses magnesian chlorophyll from the white mulberry tree, a species of tree renowned for its particular richness in this molecule.
Scientific publications
Chlorophyll is the object of more than 33665 scientific publications.
Our products based on Chlorophyll
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