
Latin name:
Turnera diffusa, Turnera aphrodisiaca L. DC
Common name:
Family :
Origin :
Mexico, tropical America, Asia, Africa
Part of the plant used :
Yellow flowered plant originally used by the Mayas, damiana, Turnera diffusa, was introduced in Europe in the 19th century.
Damiana leaves contain flavonoids such as pinocembrin and acacetin, which give the plant its aphrodisiac properties, especially for women. Thanks to their estrogenic and anti-aromatase activity, these molecules contribute to the increase of the sexual excitation and make it easier to reach orgasm.
Damiana also has sexually stimulating properties in men. This plant is linked to the increase in the production of nitric oxide, which plays an essential role in the triggering and maintenance of the erection.
Furthermore, this plant contributes to fight against the decrease of the libido in both women and men.
Damiana is moreover recognized for its anxiolytic properties which support relaxation. ème siècle.
The benefits
Damiana contributes to a good sexual appetite thanks to its aphrodisiac properties.